fail 😟

succeed 😎

What if... I...

only way to overcome fear of failure

Rounded Rectangle



What’s your kryptonite

Kryptonite: an alien mineral that has the property of

depriving Superman of his powers.

Dread public speaking?

Want to do reels on Insta, but less confident to post it?

Want to building in public but worried about ridicule?

Want to plank, but cant?

Can’t eliminate sugary soda?

Know you want to become fit but haven’t done it?

Want to start a gratitude journal, but boring to do it?

Communication is a chore?

... or others?

Rectangle Rounded Basic Shape


Turn fear into opportunity, ​

One micro-action at a Time.​

1. Pick your kryptoni​te

2. JOIN a COMMUNITY of do-ers

working on the same challenge

3. Commit to micro-actions

4. Make and show progress

5. you suc​ceed!